Eberspacher Airtronic D2-ren motorra

Eberspacher Airtronic D2-ren motorra

Elementua: Eberspacher Airtronic D2-ren Torbo® motorra
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Elementua: Eberspacher Airtronic D2-ren Torbo® motorra
Tentsioa: 12V/24V

Haining Torbo Ceramic Products Co.,LTD. is a leading China Motor of Eberspacher Airtronic D2 manufacturer, supplier and exporter. Adhering to the pursuit of perfect quality of products, so that our Motor of Eberspacher Airtronic D2 have been satisfied by many customers. Extreme design, quality raw materials, high performance and competitive price are what every customer wants, and that's also what we can offer you. Of course, also essential is our perfect after-sales service. If you are interested in our Motor of Eberspacher Airtronic D2 services, you can consult us now, we will reply to you in time!

Suitable for: Eberspacher Airtronic D2, D4, D4S, 12V/24V, 

Efficiency: 67%, 

Tentsioa: 18V, 

Potentzia: 36W, 

Korronte jarraitua: ≤ 2A, 

Abiadura: 4500 RPM, 

Babesa: IP65, 

Switching: Counterclockwise (Air Inlet), 

Eraikuntza: metalezko etxebizitza, 

Momentua: 0,051N. 

Mota: DC iman iraunkorra 

Aplikazioa: Erregai-berogailua

Hot Tags: Motor of Eberspacher Airtronic D2, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Buy, Factory, Customized
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